Are Kiwis Vegan? The Debate Surrounding Kiwifruit

Are Kiwis Vegan? To answer this question, it’s important to first understand if we’re talking about Kiwi, the bird, or Kiwifruit.

The kiwi is a small, flightless bird native to New Zealand. It is the national bird of New Zealand, and its appearance is unique among birds. Kiwis are roughly the size of a chicken, but they have long, stout legs and a long, curved bill. They are covered in soft, brown feathers, and their plumage resembles that of a furry mammal more than a bird. Consuming Kiwis, the bird, is clearly not vegan.

When referring to the fruit previously called Chinese gooseberry, the correct term is kiwifruit. There is some debate about whether or not kiwifruit is truly vegan. The issue revolves around the use of bees in the pollination of kiwifruit trees. While most people consider kiwifruit vegan, others may avoid it because of this reason.

It’s easy to assume that we understand an issue completely and that the side we’ve chosen is obviously right. However, in many cases, there are multiple perspectives to consider, and it’s important to take the time to understand all sides of an argument before making a decision. By understanding different points of view, we can develop a more nuanced understanding of the issue at hand. We may also be able to find common ground with those who have different perspectives. In today’s polarized world, it’s more important than ever to take the time to truly understand all sides of an issue before taking a stand.

Below, we explore:

  1. Argument: Kiwifruit is not Vegan Friendly
  2. Argument: Kiwifruit is Vegan Friendly
  3. The Bottom Line

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1. Argument: Kiwifruit is not Vegan Friendly

The BBC comedy quiz show, QI, recently sparked an interesting debate about whether or not kiwifruit, as well as other foods such as almonds and avocados, can be considered vegan because they would be exploiting and harming bees to grow the crops.

They explain that while bees are necessary to transport pollen from the male kiwifruit to the female kiwifruit, bees would not naturally survive around a monoculture of kiwis.

A monoculture is an agricultural system in which a single crop is grown in large fields. This is in contrast to a polyculture, in which two or more crops are grown together. Monoculture farming began in the 18th century as a way to increase efficiency and yield. However, it has been criticized in recent years for its negative environmental impacts.

The flowers of the kiwifruit only bloom for a short period of time each year, and during the remaining time, the bees would need to feed on other sources of pollen in order to survive. As a result, the bees would be forced to travel long distances in search of food, which would ultimately lead to their decline.

While bees will naturally be drawn to fields of flowering plants, they can sometimes be scarce in areas where monoculture crops are grown. This can pose a serious threat to crop yields, as kiwifruit relies on bee pollination in order to produce fruit.

In order to prevent this from happening in a natural way, farmers would need to stray away from monocultures, and instead create a habitat for bees that includes a variety of different flower species. By doing so, they can ensure that the bees have access to food throughout the year and that they will be able to pollinate the kiwifruit crop effectively.

However, when it comes to mass-producing fruits, monocultures are typically used. This is where they grow kiwifruit exclusively. As we’ve learned, such an environment does not attract bees.

As a result, these farms need to hire beekeepers to transport bees to that location when the flowers are open and pollination is needed. The enclosure and transportation of bees are seen as unnatural and exploitation by some. Therefore, this is one of the arguments against kiwifruit being vegan.

While kiwifruit may be grown without the use of animal labor, the fact that bees are exploited in the process raises ethical concerns for many people. Until farmers find a way to grow kiwifruit without harming bees, it seems unlikely that this fruit will be fully accepted by the entire vegan community.

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2. Argument: Kiwifruit is Vegan Friendly

The definition of veganism stresses that it seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation and cruelty to animals.

While it is certainly ideal to purchase local, sustainable produce, the reality is that our global food system relies on mass production in order to meet the demand for food.

Large-scale monoculture farming is the primary way that most of the world’s food is grown. This type of farming involves growing a single crop over a large area of land using industrial methods. Monoculture farming can have a number of negative impacts on the environment, including soil erosion, water pollution, and habitat destruction.

Many vegans choose to avoid eating foods that have been produced through monoculture farming. Instead, they prefer to eat foods that have been grown in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way. However, in many parts of the world, the only available produce is grown through monoculture farming. In these cases, vegans may have no choice but to eat foods that have been produced in this way.

While they may not be perfect, monoculture farms are still necessary to feed the world’s growing population. Without them, many people would go hungry.

So it is mostly accepted that the consumption of kiwifruit and other foods that rely on bee pollination is still considered vegan, as in today’s reality, it may still not be possible and practicable to completely avoid them from our diet.

3. The Bottom Line

The debate surrounding kiwifruit will likely not be resolved anytime soon. Some people argue that the fruit is vegan-friendly, while others contend that it isn’t due to the exploitation of bees during pollination.

The bottom line is that it really depends on your personal definition of veganism. If you choose to avoid eating foods that have been produced through monoculture farming, then you may want to avoid kiwifruit. However, if you are okay with eating foods that have been grown in this way, then kiwifruit is likely a perfectly acceptable part of your diet.